The Science Behind: Procrastination

3 min readJul 17, 2021


Procrastination: what does that even mean?

  • it’s basically delaying or postponing an action.
  • This is often triggered when you find that the task lacks value or importance.

Perhaps these will ring a bell:

— Prioritising the wrong things — “It’s only 1 more episode”

— Adjourning one’s works — “the deadline is still in a few days, it’s fine”

— Making up excuses — “I don’t understand how, so I guess I just won’t do it”

Types of procrastination

Wait what? There’s versions of it?

  1. Perfectionists
  • Just as the name suggests, these people are those who always strive for flawlessness.
  • This is what makes them procrastinate; they can’t accomplish things cause it ain’t perfect.

2. Delayers

  • Delayers are those who always have a hard time on starting any given task.
  • If you’re an expert at making excuses, then you’re a delayer.

3. Distractibles

  • The distractibles are people who always seek things that provide them with instant satisfaction.
  • Instead of obtaining that good feeling of ticking off a task, distractibles find themselves busy with leisures; watching shows, playing games or sleeping.

So, which one are you?

Why do humans even procrastinate?

Here are the scientific reasons why!

  • You’re heavily influenced by those around you

Friends or role models of yours are what may have misguided you to adopt the attitude of procrastinating.

Research has shown that you’ll adapt and become like the people who you are always with.

  • Abstract goals

With an unclear vision, people are more likely to procrastinate.

It’s very important to have a clear definition of what you want to achieve!

  • Indecisiveness

Yes, we humans often find ourselves in a situation where decision making is perplexing.

This could mean you’re facing uncertainties in which course of action to engage in, or which decision to take to move on.

Effects towards You

Whether you know you are a procrastinator or not, you need to be aware and careful of the damaging consequences.

You’ll lose precious time

  • Ask yourself this question, how much time have you wasted procrastinating?
  • In the future, you’ll feel helpless and regretful for not using your time wisely.

Poor health

  • Stress and anxiety can accumulate when you leave things to the last minute and this can cause harm to your mental and physical health.

Damaged reputations

  • Trust is the most expensive currency, and when you keep on missing deadlines due to procrastinations, people around you would be skeptical with your work ethic.

Now, the million dollar question: How do you beat it?

Here are some tips from us at LITE:

Tip 1: Do the hardest task first!

  • Early on, you are likely to have more concentration and willpower, so it’s best to do the most challenging things first.
  • As you go through tasks and tasks, you’ll gain more motivation to accomplish all of them.

Tip 2: Limit your distractions.

  • You want to make sure you are in a distraction-free zone; turn off your mobile notifications and set aside distracting things.
  • This is because your brain will unconsciously look for reasons to pull you away from doing your tasks

Tip 3: Have some self love!

  • After accomplishing a certain task or action, don’t forget to reward yourself.
  • Associating rewards with completing tasks can uplift your motivation, and if this is done constantly, your brain will adapt to it well!


  • daleyfrank0. “Procrastination: Three Main Types of Procrastinators.” The Daley Post, 28 Apr. 2016,
  • “Why People Procrastinate: The Psychology and Causes of Procrastination — Solving Procrastination.”, 2021,,as%20short%2Dterm%20mood%20repair.
  • “9 Reasons You Procrastinate (and 9 Ways to Stop).” Psychology Today, 2015,
  • O´Donovan, Kirstin. “8 Dreadful Effects of Procrastination That Can Destroy Your Life.” Lifehack, Lifehack, 25 Mar. 2014,
  • Thomas, Paul. “The Effects of Procrastination and How to Overcome Them — Self Help for Life.” Self Help for Life, 29 May 2018,




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